Raspored zakazanih IT obuka

22.5. Securing Windows Server 2016 
ponedeljak/sreda/petak, 17-20h
23.5. Osnove Linux Operativnog sistema 
utorak/četvrtak/subota, 17-20h
13.6. Bash Shell Scripting 
utorak/četvrtak, 17-20h
9.6. Quality Assurance Engineer
sreda/petak, 18:30-21h
19.6. CompTIA Network+ 
ponedeljak/sreda/petak, 17-20h
27.9. – MCSA Windows Server 2016: Networking with Windows Server 2016 
ponedeljak/sreda/petak, 17:30 – 20:30h
20.10. – MCSA Windows Server 2016: Identity with Windows Server 2016 
ponedeljak/sreda/petak, 17:30 – 20:30h